Friday, October 16, 2015


" A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." - Noemi Trigueros
In my opinion this quote is saying that it does not matter if you are a champion. What matters is if you are a champion within yourself  and not in any sport/activity. Choosing the right will get you to being a champion. The reason why is because if you choose the wrong, that gets you nowhere in life so you do not succeed and not succeeding because you're doing the wrong is not being a champion. Therefore choosing the right is the key to success which is the key to being a champion within yourself . Many people are called champions because of sports like basketball, volleyball, baseball, and etcetera, but that's not what really makes you a champion. A champion can be interpreted in many different ways, but this quote is expressing it differently. This quote is trying to make you reason about what a real champion is. In my perspective many people should reconsider this quote. The reason why is because a lot of people must learn to be champions within themselves, as well as how they are champions in anything else. This is a great quote that really makes sense. To be a great human out of yourself, you must choose the right.

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