Wednesday, October 14, 2015


"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow?"- Alan Stein
This quote is revealing that success is actually something you decide to thrive at or not at all. Success does not come to you, it is earned with hard work and dedication on any task you put yourself up to. The term success is a big part of your life, because if you are not successful then life is much harder on you. For example, people who decide to drop out of school don't get the education required to work as anything such as a lawyer, dentist, teacher and many other careers. Without a career/job people cannot succeed for the fact that they do not earn the right amount of money or no money at all to care for themselves. When learning that success is one of many important factors in life, you acknowledge the consequences that can come your way if you decide to give up and put no effort into anything. When you make the choice of wanting to succeed in life or not, you are basically choosing if you want to live a miserable life with nothing to offer to yourself, or achieve goals and make right decisions for your future. If you want to benefit your future, success is the key.In addition, people who succeed always get the better and know what they really want. In conclusion this is a great quote by Alan Stein, that describes succeeding as something really important and in my opinion many people should really consider it.

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