Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Duties and responsibilities:
Cytotechnologist employed by hospitals or other medical centers spend their days in the laboratory, analyzing patient biopsies. They use the most current imaging devies and methods to detect cell abnormalities or irreularities. They report their findings to the head of the lab and/or the patient's overseeing physician. While cytotechnologists must be self-sufficient, and able to work unaided, they do have interact with other researchers and technologists in a public laboratory space. Patient interaction, however, is limited.

Salary: Median Salary, Approx. $66,686yr

Education: A bachelor's degree in Cytotechnology prepares a student for a career as a technologist. Though it may vary slightly between universities, the program emphasizes microbiology and laboratory practices.

Demand for this proffesion: With a strating salary of $50,000 and technologists as a whole predicted to increase employment by nearly 30%, cytotchnology appears to be a solid job choice.

Reflection: This career seems interesting but i dont think i would like to become a cytotechnologist in the future. This careeer is based on laboratory work such as finidng new cures to cancer and other diseases which is a very important part of our every day lifes. However, i do not see myself in this career.

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