Friday, January 15, 2016


"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Being intelligent is not all you have to be, because having intelligence but not knowing how to use your brain is not going to help you in nothing. Not using that intelligence for something good is not being smart at all. Education is being smart and making use of that intelligence by not making bad decisions. Making bad decisions when knowing you are very smart still leads you to bad outcomes and you end up in bad places when you could've done good things and gone far in life. Being smart is not all there is to it, there are many more things that can affect you in achieving what you want if you do not use your intelligence for the right things. People who chose the wrong by making bad decisions that they know are not right, always recieve repercussions. For example, if someone is really intelligent but decides to do drugs instead of being educated they could end up in a really bad situation. Although that person was really smart, they used their smartness to get drugs and make bad moves. Intelligence is not enough, that is not the key. It is your choice

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