Tuesday, December 1, 2015


" Kindness is the essence of greatness" - Joseph B. Wirthlin
 This quote is saying that kindness is important in order to succeed greatness. Greatness is not just given to you, you receive what you earn and deserve. Greatness is a really important part of your life because without it you wouldn't achieve. Being kind is also very important because what's the whole point of being great and not being kind if nobody will appreciate you. Nobody will think of you as a good person if all you do is be rude and not care what you have to do to other people to get where you want to be. An example of kindness would be caring for other people before yourself, caring about what other people's opinions and feelings are towards something, and not underestimate someone for their looks or likes. Another way to show kindness would be helping out anyone in need of your help. When you do good you feel good about yourself and what you have done. Feeling good about yourself is also very important because when you have a high self esteem you are more confident of yourself and pursue yourself to do better. When you pursue yourself to do better you achieve many more things so that's why it is best to be kind to others so others can be kind to you and help you out whenever you need help. All this is determined on your choices and what you think is best for you.

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