Monday, November 16, 2015


" Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing. "
- Chick Moorman
 This quotes is saying that it does not matter if you win or lose, as long as you're doing the right. For example let's say your friendship with bad friends benefited on losing them if you chose to do the right. You chose the right and you lost your friends but you know what you did was right and so soon you will be benefited with good outcomes. The choice of choosing what is right is way more important than anything having to do with bad. When you chose the importance of winning or losing over the importance of choosing the right there is always negative consequences that come your way. All this has to do with what you want and the choices you make. That is why you must choose carefully and decide what you want before making any move. It is hard to go through obstacles, like persuasion but you have to have the courage to overcome those people who want to make you do bad. Don't be a follower of people who are choosing the wrong. Make your own decisions and good will come your way if you do what is right.

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