Thursday, November 5, 2015


"The best recreation is to do good." - William Penn 
 What this quote is saying is that to do good makes you feel good about yourself. When someone does bad, that is not something they will enjoy getting repercussions about in the future. A recreation is something you feel good about and enjoy doing. Doing bad things cannot be a recreation because how can you feel good when you know what you did was bad. Doing good always bring benefits into your life, therefore at the end of the day or whenever it is, you will feel good about yourself and also have positive things come your way. Recreations can consist of swimming, playing basketball, volleyball, or maybe going out to spend time with family or something. For example, when someone decides to chose the wrong and eventually get negative consequences for their actions, they will not enjoy what they have earned for themselves. Therefore when you chose the right there is always good outcomes which make you end up doing what you enjoy or like the most, and that is what you call a recreation. Let other people do there own thing and let them chose the wrong. If you follow along with people who don't do good, you will not be doing no recreations. All you will do if you chose the wrong is get yourself into big trouble, and you will have to be responsible for the consequences. In my opinion this is a good quote, because it makes good sense, and has a good meaning to it. It is all up to you and your choices.

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