Friday, November 20, 2015


" Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. " - Henry Ward Beecher
Only because someone doesn't believe in you, doesn't mean you cant do it. Believe in yourself and prove that person and anyone else that doubted you wrong. You are responsible for your actions. If you ignore the negative comments and try hard to achieve what you are seeking for then you'll get there. Don't use the people who don't believe in you as excuses to not do what you want. You are able to do whatever you want, but all you need is the courage and confidence to know that you can do anything. When you finally hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you, that is when you are able to do anything without caring what people say. For example lets say someone tell you that you are not able to graduate high school but do not listen to them and passing your classes with only A's, at the end of the day you will prove that person wrong. On the other hand if you listen to that person, you might get your hopes down and stop trying and you will actually not graduate and that certain person will win, even though you knew you actually had the ability to graduate. In my opinion this is a great quote written by Henry Ward Beecher. The reason why is because this quote is giving you encouragement on what you want to achieve.

Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November. On thanksgiving day people eat turkey and other type of foods like mashed potato's bread, and etcetera. Thanksgiving day should be remembered not just as a day when we give thanks for our abundance, but more deeply and historically why we have this abundance. Thanksgiving day is celebrated in many different ways. You can celebrate thanks giving by being with your family, going to a football game, or go to any other place with family. This is a very important holiday because you are celebrating what you are thankful for in life. You can let the people you are thankful for know that you appreciate them. Not only on this day you can do that, but this is when the first thanksgiving happened. You should be tankful for many things in life because without those things you wouldn't be whee you are at now. Thanksgiving is a holiday you should not miss.


  1. Having a good home
  2. People who have stayed in my life
  3. encouragement from parents
  4. trust
  5. being healthy
  6. being able to play basketball
  7. best friend
  8.  food
  9. bread
  10. avocado
  11. education
  12. watermelon


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


" If it's not right do not do it; if it's not true, do not say it. "
                                                                - Marcus Aurelius
This quote is saying that if something is not true you should not say it. For example lets say you don't like a certain person so you starts talking stuff about them and say stuff that is not true, everyone would believe what you said but it is not true. If you know something you are doing or are about to do is wrong then don't do it. Why would you want to do something bad. Doing bad just makes repercussions in your life. If what you are doing is wrong and yo know it, do the opposite of that and do what is right. Doing what is right, saying what is right is always the best thing to do. The reason why is because if you chose the right, good comes your way and you will always have success in your life. In order to do whatis right you must have courage, Success, doing what is right, achievement is all about courage. Basically everything in life is based on you have the courage to do what you put yourself up to. In my opinion this is a great quote by Marcus Aurelius. Some people should consider it, because talking what isn't true and choosing what is not right can affect you in life now & in the future.

Monday, November 16, 2015


" Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing. "
- Chick Moorman
 This quotes is saying that it does not matter if you win or lose, as long as you're doing the right. For example let's say your friendship with bad friends benefited on losing them if you chose to do the right. You chose the right and you lost your friends but you know what you did was right and so soon you will be benefited with good outcomes. The choice of choosing what is right is way more important than anything having to do with bad. When you chose the importance of winning or losing over the importance of choosing the right there is always negative consequences that come your way. All this has to do with what you want and the choices you make. That is why you must choose carefully and decide what you want before making any move. It is hard to go through obstacles, like persuasion but you have to have the courage to overcome those people who want to make you do bad. Don't be a follower of people who are choosing the wrong. Make your own decisions and good will come your way if you do what is right.


Duties & responsibilities: Oncologists are physicians who study, diagnose, and treat cancerous tumors. They practice in hospitals and medical centers, university hospitals, and research organizations.
Salary: The median annual Physician - Hematology/Oncology salary is $276,873 with a range usually $222,809-$351,598.
Education: To become certified as an oncologist, a candidate must first graduate from an accredited medical school before entering into training as a specialist. Candidates must have graduated from an approved medical school and must have completed an ACGME accredited residency program. Graduate education in a specialty and, if the physician chooses, a subspecialty follows. After satisfactory completion of graduate education in a specialty, physicians may apply for certification. Applicants must pass the certifying examination administered by the medical specialty board. If they go on to receive additional education and training in a subspecialty (e.g., pediatric oncology and hematology), they must complete the education and training requirements and then apply for certification and pass the examination administered by the medical specialty board.
Reflection: Would you like to be one? Why? Why not?

No, I do not think I would like to be one. The reason why is because I am not into medical careers. Although being in a medical career you earn a good salary and save peoples life by treating them, I do not think I’d enjoy this job. I would not like to be in a medical career because it is not what I am interested in. I would not like to wake up every morning and be in a career I do not enjoy and am not happy to wake up for. Therefore I don’t think I would like to be one. Although this is a great job for anyone that is interested in medical careers.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


  1. Have the courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to face the truth.
  3. Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." - W. Clement Stone

This quote is saying that in order to live your life with integrity you must do those 3 things. Having the courage to say no leads you to good things. If someone offers you something that you know is bad but do not have the courage to say no, then you'll also end up doing what is bad. Every bad thing you do will lead you to trouble. Having the courage to face the truth is very important as well. If you are able to confront something and say the truth, you are choosing what is right. If you decide to lie, remember that a lie is the starting point of the truth. The truth will come out no matter what and there will alway be negative consequences. Doing the right thing is a last thing that leads to good. If you do the right thing, you have nothing to worry about. If you chose to not do the right thing, everything will soon fall down. In order for no repercussions all you need is courage.

FBI Agent

                 Federal Bureau of Investigation
Duties and responsibilities: FBI agents are authorized to carry firearms and are often called in to perform official busts or capture high profile criminals. Agents may face dangerous situations, work erratic hours and be required to travel extensively. This can include sudden traveling with very little notice and job relocation around the country. FBI agents are in charge of investigating over 200 different categories of violations related to national security and federal law. The criminal activity a FBI agent may investigate includes bank robberies, terrorism, corruption, cybercrime, organized crime, and drug trafficking. FBI agents don’t have a typical workday and their job duties can vary greatly depending on their investigation.
Salary: 131,924
Education: FBI agents need to possess a college degree, and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related major. In addition to the educational requirements, a FBI agent must be physically fit and active.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

Yes, I think I would like to become an FBI agent. I really like the idea of being in action and helping to save many peoples life than can be in danger. Although my life would be at risk, I believe that this is the type of career I am interested in. Being involved to stop criminal activity like drug trafficking and organized crime is something I’d like to do. 

Monday, November 9, 2015


"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
                                                                                                                    - Proverbs 13:20             This quote is saying that a person who choses to be with the wrong crowd will suffer the consequences. A person who choses to be with a good crowd that always chooses the right is most likely to succeed. It is really up to you and your choices of with who you want to hangout. Being with the wrong crowd is always bad. It is bad because then you will always get into trouble and you will have less chances to succeed with a bad reputation. On the other hand when you hang out with the right crowd , you are most likely to succeed. The reason for that is because your friends will as well push you to do better than you yourself might think you can. If your in the good crowd, your friends will not lead you to do bad things that they know would not benefit you future. That is why being in a good bundle of good people is better and beneficial. All you need is the courage to tell people that try and persuade you to do bad, no. In my opinion this is a great quote. My reason why is because this makes you think about what type of people you truly want to be having around yourself. This quote also makes you think if you want to succeed or just fail only because of something you wanted for a small while.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World I (November 11). Veterans Day is a time when Americans honor those who have served in the U.S. Military—a time to express gratitude to those who have made great sacrifices to preserve our freedom. The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor US veterans and victims of all wars who have died during wars. This shows respect for those who were willing to give their lives to the country and to serve their country. It is important to show honor and respect on this day because many people sacrificed their life for us and our freedom. Veterans Day is on the 11th of November. A few ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day are maybe to attend a Veteran’s Day Event, Hang a flag in your yard, Visit gravesite of a Veteran, Take flowers to a Veterans Memorial, and many more other things. In my opinion Veterans day is a really important holiday, just as the lives of all those soldiers who died risking their lives. I respect and appreciate these people because without them, we would not have the privilege of freedom. Without them we would not have this country

Thursday, November 5, 2015


"The best recreation is to do good." - William Penn 
 What this quote is saying is that to do good makes you feel good about yourself. When someone does bad, that is not something they will enjoy getting repercussions about in the future. A recreation is something you feel good about and enjoy doing. Doing bad things cannot be a recreation because how can you feel good when you know what you did was bad. Doing good always bring benefits into your life, therefore at the end of the day or whenever it is, you will feel good about yourself and also have positive things come your way. Recreations can consist of swimming, playing basketball, volleyball, or maybe going out to spend time with family or something. For example, when someone decides to chose the wrong and eventually get negative consequences for their actions, they will not enjoy what they have earned for themselves. Therefore when you chose the right there is always good outcomes which make you end up doing what you enjoy or like the most, and that is what you call a recreation. Let other people do there own thing and let them chose the wrong. If you follow along with people who don't do good, you will not be doing no recreations. All you will do if you chose the wrong is get yourself into big trouble, and you will have to be responsible for the consequences. In my opinion this is a good quote, because it makes good sense, and has a good meaning to it. It is all up to you and your choices.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
                                                                                                                            - William Penn        This quote is saying that although there could be a whole group of people doing wrong it does not mean they are right because wrong will always be wrong no matter what. Everyone could be against of what is right but that does not mean right is not right anymore. For example, let's say everyone decides to tag on school walls, that does not mean that it is the correct thing to do only because everyone is for it. Wrong is still wrong even if many people are for it. If there's only one person choosing what's right and 10 other people choosing what is wrong, the one person choosing the right is still right. It does not matter the amount on each side, because right is still right and wrong is still wrong. Don't be influenced by other people and have the courage to stand up for yourself and your decisions. All this will help you to create a good name for yourself. Sooner or later everything right you did will pay off in the future. The people who chose wrong will soon suffer the consequences and will regret ever choosing the wrong over right. Also, in order to feel good about yourself you must always keep going/choosing the right way and never look back at other people choosing the wrong.